Canvas Printing

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With our custom canvas prints, you can easily turn your very own image into a stunning work of art on canvas. We offer small, medium, and large canvas prints. Whether you want to decorate your home or office, canvas printing wall art can be used everywhere because you create it! Canvas Printing Expert specilises in creating the highest quality canvas prints; otherwise, known as Giclee (pronounced "zhee-clay") which is the process of making high resolution fine art prints from a digital source using ink-jet printing. The word "giclee" is derived from the French language word "le gicleur" meaning "nozzle", or more specifically "gicler" meaning "to squirt, spurt, or spray."

On this page you'll find everything you need to know about our canvas product. If you still have some questions after reviewing the details, just give us a call or send an email and we'd be more than happy to assist you in designing the perfect canvas for your home or office. We use the latest Epson Stylus Pro 9880 and Epson Stylus Pro 9700 printers for our giclee printing. These state of the art printers prints up to 44'' wide on heavy weight 100% cotton rag archival quality acid free papers such as,Wang hai, Hahnemuhle Photo Rag or Somerset Mills Velvet Enhanced Using Epson's UltraChrome K3 Inks. For prints above 44'' upto 120'' we use the latest UV printers, We also print onto specially prepared Artist canvas. The giclee prints are reported by the manufacturers as light fast for at least 75 years.

Our canvas prints are a fine way to display your digital photos on canvas. We print on real woven canvas and then our canvas prints can be custom hand stretched over a strong stretcher frame. Behind every beautiful photo are great ideas for large canvas prints. Printing digital images on canvas is not just a matter of ego satisfaction for the photographer, but also brings the pleasure of remembering important moments, unforgettable memories, and stunning landscapes. Here you can find great ideas for large canvas prints to combine a passion for photography with digital printing.